About Us
About Us

- Registered under Singapore as a Sole-Proprietor Company
- Rented a factory in Defu Lane to start up our carpentry business

- Start working with small projects, as sub-contractor, mainly on carpentry works
- Over the time, we learnt and gain experiences

- We Improved & We Did It
- Able to handle bigger projects, works together with design firms
- We handle projects like show flats and retailers

- Due to our business expansion, we purchased our first factory with a total of 10,500 sq. ft at North Link Building

- Awarded our first hotel and service apartment project
- Start working with architecture firms and involved in project management

- Taking over projects as Main-Contractor
- Not only carpentry works, we are able to provide One-Stop Services (Electrical, Plumbing, Flooring & etc.)

- Working directly with house owners and provide interior designing as one of our service
- Also provide maintenance services
- Have strong relationship with Architects and ID firm

Till now, with more than 20 years of experience,
- We are able to provide professional advice
- We ensure every-project is well-managed and planned
- Maintaining high standard of our workmanship